Women's hair loss occurs in different patterns than men's, and therefore must be treated in a different manner.
About 40% Of Women By The Age Of 40 Suffer Hair Loss.
There are numbers of reasons of hair loss in both men and women. Just as in men, women’s hair loss may involve genetic and hormonal factors but there are also many different factors cause hair loss in women. In addition to genetic and hormonal factors; poor blood circulation, poor nutrition, deficiencies in proteins, amino acid and vitamins, some prescription drugs, birth control pills, pregnancy and stress can provoke hair loss in women. About 40% of women by the age of 40 suffer hair loss.
Hair loss treatment must be safe
When we look closely at conventional products aimed at preventing hair loss, we can see that these products focus on male hair loss and neglect to address the hair loss issues that are usually faced by women, as opposed to men. Hair loss treatment must be safe, easily applicable and have no side effects when used regularly; but most of the drugs used in male-type hair loss, also recommended to women, have strong side effects on women.
Unhealthy Scalp
Itchy scalp, over production of sebum, smoking and aggressive cosmetic treatments may cause hair loss.
Emotional Stress
Physical or emotional stress, loss of a family member, trauma can cause excessive hair loss. According to the latest research, 70 percent of women report that they experience hair loss because of over stress.
Genetic Hair Loss
Genetic hair loss is encountered in women, as well as in men. But genetic hair loss is the cause of just 30 percent of all hair loss by women, and the factors and type of hair loss in women is different from that seen in men.
Additionally, the emergence, development and course of hair loss for women is entirely different than that found in men. For example, women very often will retain the frontal hairline that is so commonly lost in men, but have widespread miniaturization and thinning on the top and vertex. In men, the pattern of loss usually starts with receding hairline which then advances to thin the top of the head.
Hormonal changes
Hair loss in women is often associated with hormonal changes like menopause, discontinuing birth control pills, and after pregnancy. Birth control pills and pregnancy can lead to hair loss. This loss is also related to hormones. During pregnancy, high levels of certains hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that kept hair falls out suddenly.
Excessive Dieting
Another factor of hair loss in women is excessive dieting or sudden weight loss. Hair requires nutrients to grow just as any other part of the body does, so you must try to stay healthy. What we eat does not only effect how shiny and healthy our hair looks, but also hair loss. Whilst men also suffer hair loss due to the weight loss, women tend to be more involved in extreme diets than men.
Poor blood circulation can lead to hair loss as the supply of oxygen and nutrients are required for strong hair development which depends on good micro circulation.
High DHT Level
High DHT Level causes hair loss in both men and women. Hair follicles at the top, front and temples are particularly sensitive to DHT. DHT causes hair follicles to be minimized and eventually leads to hair loss by slowing down the hair growth cycle.
Medical Treatment
Hair loss in women can also be an indicator of a medical condition such as an overactive or underactive thyroid gland, diabetes, anemia. These conditions should be seen and treated by a doctor first. If they exist at the root of the hair loss problem, no amount of hair loss medications or topical treatments or hair vitamins is going to stop hair loss until they are treated.
Chemical and heat treatments
Chemical and heat treatments applied on hair such as coloring and perming can weaken the hair and lead to hair loss.